Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: The importance of opening books -- a simple experiment

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 03:53:10 02/20/05

Go up one level in this thread

On February 20, 2005 at 06:25:58, Sandro Necchi wrote:

>On February 20, 2005 at 06:02:25, Uri Blass wrote:
>>On February 20, 2005 at 04:40:19, Sandro Necchi wrote:
>>>On February 19, 2005 at 07:43:49, Vincent Diepeveen wrote:
>>>>On February 17, 2005 at 14:03:30, Tord Romstad wrote:
>>>Hi Vincent,
>>>I hope everything is well with you. I guess you'll meet Stefan at Paderborn.
>>>>Don't do idiot experiments that just support the idiocy you invented yourself.
>>>>IF you have an engine rated 3000 in strength THEN it will play virtually achieve
>>>>2300 in the important games instead of 3000 when NOT using a book. So the book
>>>>delivers 700 rating points.
>>>This is a very interesting statement.
>>>I agree with you and I know that the stronger an engine is the best it will get
>>>from a good opening book, but I never estimated how much it would get reaching
>>>3000 in strenght.
>>>>Experiments with some idiot engine that is itself rated what is it, 2200,
>>>>will be useless of course.
>>>>Some years ago when engines were 2200 level it was the Mchess-Necchi team who
>>>>said a book was worth 300, and he meant that obviously in the same way as i mean
>>>>the 700 points at real high level.
>>>Yes, you are correct.
>>>>The weakest link is what counts.
>>>>I don't care for your engine in that respect, let alone such stupid experiment.
>>>>Take a strong engine from which you feel it is the best engine in the world.
>>>>Show up without book in important events. World champ will be the best test.
>>>>THEN calculate after a 100 years of doing that, what the odds were you won that
>>>>event. You will see it's 0%.
>>>Yes, here we agree too.
>>Suppose for the discussion that stefan find a way to improve the engine by 200
>>elo in one year based on rating from the predefined positions that it was not
>>tuned specifically for them(correct me if I am wrong but you probably expect it
>>to happen in less than 10 years but not in one year).
>Of course Stefan will not be able to improve the engine by 200 points;

Of course it is not something that I expect to happen in one year but saying
that it will not happen in 10 years is not obvious.

After all I guess that we get clearly more than 200 elo improvement if we
compare shredder9 with Genius3(best program in the beginning of 1995) in nunn
type games.

 it is
>unlike to happen and there is no need as we are leading the SSDF list and always
>playing to win the WCCC title, I mean if we do not win we get 2nd place. Last
>year however we have been handicapped by a bad bug...

>>Do you think that it also had no chance to win world championship without book
>>in 2006?
>No, without a strong opening book, no matter how strong is your engine there are
>no chances to win the WCCC.
>Maybe 0% is too conservative; better to say 0.000000001% chances
>>If not then the chances to win world championship is more than 0% in case that
>>you have an engine that is strong enough.
>Well, the point is to win, so instead of 0.000000001% chances it is better to
>use one book that should raise these up to 50%...don't you agree?

I agree that a book can increase the chances to win.
I do not agree about your estimates.

Shredder with no book has good chances to win some games against Movei or Jonny
with no exceptional luck.

0.000000001% is 1/10^11

if Shredder has only 10% chances to win every game then it has chances of
1/10^11 to score 100%

I think that even shredder with no book has at least 10% chances to beat
everything when a new version that the opponents do not know play and it has
more than 50% chances to beat some weak engines even with no book so even the
chances to get 100% with no book is higher than 1/10^11.


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