Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: why is Patriot 2.0 beta ?

Author: Kurt Utzinger

Date: 06:43:20 05/16/05

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On May 16, 2005 at 08:52:59, Matthias Gemuh wrote:

>>Da ich auf folgender Seite nämlich las, dass Patriot 2.0 (noch Beta) ...
>Why did Vladimir take Fruit-TogaII back to beta stage after renaming it as
>Patriot 2.0 ?
>BTW, Patriot 3.0 may be stronger than Shredder 9 if Fabien works hard on Fruit 3

      Hi Matthias
      Your point of view seems very optimistic. At the moment
      Shredder 9 is about 50 Elo stronger than all other top
      engines ... not to talk about the difference to the best
      amateur engines. Or what's the reason for your assumption?

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