Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: GM Suba sets a trap, several top engines fall straight in...

Author: Dave Gomboc

Date: 19:01:24 05/26/99

Go up one level in this thread

On May 26, 1999 at 21:47:52, Melvin S. Schwartz wrote:

>On May 26, 1999 at 15:32:13, Francis Monkman wrote:
>>Here's an interesting trap Suba set an opponent at Las Palmas, 1979:
>>rq2r1k1/5pbp/4pnp1/2NbN2n/1p3P2/1P4PP/PB3QBK/2RR4 w - -
>Hi Francis,
>I would like to set up the position for testing but don't understand your
>language. Can you please provide me with a position set-up with algebraic

This notation is very common here: you're better off learning to read it, or at
least having a program that accepts it as input.  How do I interpret a "FEN"
string is somewhat of a FAQ, so there is hopefully something in the FAQ area
here on CCC.

>>rq2r1k1/5pbp/4pnp1/2NbN2n/1p3P2/1P4PP/PB3QBK/2RR4 w - -

black: lower case, white: upper case.  start from a8-h8, then a7-h7, etc.
number indicates skipped squares.

there are 5 flags at the end, two of which are missing (i dunno why)

what is there indicates white to move, and neither side can castle either way.


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