Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Strength of the engine in chess programs

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 10:56:10 05/20/02

Go up one level in this thread

On May 20, 2002 at 13:14:04, Rolf Tueschen wrote:

>On May 20, 2002 at 12:39:32, Uri Blass wrote:
>>There are programs that come with no book.
>>You can download list and it comes with no book and no pondering but beat easily
>>a lot of programs with book like beowulf or bestia.
>>list is not the stronger engine when the conditions are that the engines need to
>>play with no book and based on posts in the winboard forum amyan seems to be
>>stronger with no book.
>Thank you for all the data material from comp vs comp play. May I ask you to
>give your impression on the book topic in games between human players and comps?
>For me the problematic question is not just the book, it is more the book with
>special tunings against those moves or lines the engine would play if not
>carefully guided by the book doctor. For me that is the same as if I had a GM
>behind me who whispered in my ears during a game of chess OTB. Sometimes he
>helps me with the right move I have forgotten but then more important he
>prevents me of playing promising moves that are really bad, what I couldn't see.
>So, where is the difference between me and a computer? Why he's allowed what I
>am forbidden? I ask you before I answer the question of Dr. Hyatt, who asked me
>to quote from the FIDE rules.
>Rolf Tueschen

I do not think that using book is cheating.
I believe that there are also GM's who remember some book moves without
understanding them.

It does not mean that they are going to play them in games without thinking but
knowing the book moves may be productive to give some direction which lines to

I prefer to see chess programs play in 0 seconds book moves only when they
analyzed and learned the book moves are not clearly inferior relative to the
best choice(this learning may be based on a tree that the programmer gave them).

Programs should use books also in other cases but in that case the book should
be used only for extensions.

I believe that using this idea is going to give practically better results for
chess programs


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