Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: What's wrong with Shredder?

Author: Harald Faber

Date: 02:51:34 02/19/99

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On February 19, 1999 at 04:48:53, Stefan Meyer-Kahlen wrote:

>OK, I don't want to complain too much and keep on working to improve Shredder,
>so here's my question:
>What's wrong with Shredder?
>Any input would be nice and really welcome. Does it play weak chess? (Did you
>really play games or just run some tests?) Do you want it to solve test
>positions or play games? Do you rather have a blitz monster that plays strong at
>3min/game on a Pentium 100 or do you rather have something for longer
>timecontrols and analysis? Do you hate the GUI? What's missing?
>I would really love to get some feedback.
>Stefan (author of Shredder)

OK, just my 2 cents what misses or does not satisfy:

1) the prize :-)
   Maybe I am known for critics in that direction but I can't see to justify
double prize as Fritz/Junior/Nimzo99 and Rebel. Probably they are even
stronger and offer many needful features.
   I know that you are not the only one trying to keep the prize high but
considering the above named competitors it is hard to argue in favour of
   For me the only superior property i Shredder is the GUI. It is the best
   Windows-GUI (I know that MCS has come close).

2) no flexible time per move
   I couldn't and can't believe it: there is only a fixed time per move, no

3) strength
   We can discuss if I will ever beat Shredder1-3 but one always wants the best
   program to get the best analysis (e.g.)
   Shredder has/had some highlights of course, but all in all I think it is a
bit behind. Maybe Sherdder can compete with other programs, I don't know, but
   at the moment I am running a match against Hiarcs7 which doesn't look well
although Shredder has a speed advantage of 50%. So far:
   Hiarcs7: 11.0, Shredder3: 7.0
   (Shredder on K6-200/24+8MB hash, Hiarcs7 on MMX166/47MB hash, 40/120+rest/60)

What really pleases is, as I mentioned above, the real true Windows GUI and the
autoplayer within Shredder. Exemplary!
BTW is it a bug that I can't load the next/previous game via the button/icon? It
worked well in Shredder2 but now I have to load the games again with CTRL-L
although I don't need to select a database, directly I get the game list.

And, finally, I hope it didn't disturb you too much to lose against P.ConNers
while I said in the middlegame that black had the better position. Maybe I was
wrong. :-) Or Shredder patzte. ;-)

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