Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: I will not buy Zappa and Sjeng

Author: Gian-Carlo Pascutto

Date: 06:03:50 09/06/05

Go up one level in this thread

I don't understand why you are offended. My post may have said "you're all" but
went on to clarify what I meant.

"I will not buy Zappa if it doesn't support UCI" is not a suggestion.

It's a statement. In fact, it was usually stated as a threat. The reasons were
in most cases either bogus or basically hypocritical.

Just reread the thread:

I have little respect for such people, just as I have no respect for people who
try to turn this into a personal issue by some pityful attempts at retaliation
like "I will not buy blablalba".

It amazes me that so many people say "ChessBase is the standard and everything
else is by default uninteresting". They can't even fanthom the possibility that
there might be something better or just even something else, GUI-wise. This
shows how bad the situation is.

This isn't an anti-ChessBase sentiment. I have no problem saying that ChessBase
offers an excellent deal (even though I have enough problems with it that I
don't use it any more). But I cannot agree with the people who are so
short-sighted to think that this monopoly is in the end beneficial to the end

If someone wants to attack this monopoly, I will loudly support them. For
business, technical and psychological reasons, you can attack the monopoly
better if you do not support UCI (actually, not run under ChessBase, but I don't
know any more reliable way to do that than to kill UCI support), but it is also
more risky.

Of course, should the GUI of Vincent turn out to suck, then the point is moot -
no-one will buy Diep - Zappa. But Anthony and Vincent are both smart, so I doubt
that will be the case.

And you don't have to make something that is better than CB in *all* aspects for
it to be interesting enough to be worth the money. Being better in some aspects,
some features that noone else has, or offering an alternative experience is


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