Author: Fernando Villegas
Date: 17:18:55 09/04/05
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GREAT POST, GIAN CARLOS! It is good not to be alone anymore. I am fed up with this CB manĂa, Arna mania, etc, with the obsesion with the same and always the same gui and/or multiengines gui's, the very same thing once and again, the tournament between machines, etc. OK, good to have that, but do not complain if someone want to do something different. For God sake, have all became robots here? Not me. I am still a poor, defective, blood and tears human being that, beliebve it or not, like to play chess PERSONALLY and get prgorams or dedicated units to play chess, yes, me, myself, so I am for changes, for changes in GUI, SPECIALLY in Gui and everything asociated with it. I give a fart for engines, not anynmore. The time for "let us get a better engine" were good for the 80's, when the strongest engine was not better than even me. But now I am honest enough to accept I am busted by any and since lot of time. And I have no time or patience or mental inclination enough to feel great looking at engines vs engines games. I play, I do not care to lose, I do not care make jokes with that and I care about pretty products. That's reason I prefer to play dedicated units. Nice, touchable things. And that's the reason that, when playing programs, I choose the better made, with prettier gui and all that. For what? To make of the game a pleasurable experience in every aspect. I have still a couple of eyes that like to see well made, well designed objects. But many here does not understand that anymore. They have been mesmerized, stupified, brainwashed by this "professional" attitude, this abstract, deprived of life thing, this "put your engines ON" thing. Damn, they are like Doc. Spock. Yes, Juan carlos, I just want to play a good engine in a nice, NEW, splendid gui. So I support anthony and his partners to the end. Viva Zapata!! Fdo
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