Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: FRC_TheBaron_101 Vs Fritz8 (Castling vs Not Castling rules)

Author: Sune Fischer

Date: 05:30:27 06/24/03

Go up one level in this thread

On June 24, 2003 at 06:54:40, Günther Simon wrote:

>On June 23, 2003 at 19:13:22, Jorge Pichard wrote:
>>On June 23, 2003 at 19:08:28, Jorge Pichard wrote:
>>>For this game I used an Athlon 1.2 GHz for FRC_TheBaron and a Celeron 433 MHz
>>>for Fritz After FRC_TheBaron castled in move 14.0-0-0 Queen side Fritz8
>>>did NOT wanted to continued, therefore I set Up the position from that move on
>>>to allow Fritz8 to continue the game, and the game was won on the endgame stage.
>IMO this is ridiculous, Fritz 8 just had _lost_ ,as he refused to play on,
>because he even did not know the rules of the game he was playing...
>(This are the rules for all games BTW, if you cannot react to a regular
>move, you lose, period.)

Well you are correct about that, strictly speaking.
But since Fritz doesn't know the rules we have to cut it some slack, just to get
a feel for its potential.

I do think this match is half way pointless for another reason though.
If Fritz had lost, it would have been because "Fritz was playing a different
game", so it's like a no-win situation for The Baron.

>I cannot understand why some people completely lost their sense of logic
>regarding FRC, Shuffle Chess and Normal Chess.
>Why they cannot recognize, that they are simply playing different games,
>with different rules??

I think the problem is this:
The FRC championship is like the world championship, the Chess championship is
like the European championship. Because FRC includes chess, just like the World
includes Europe. :)

If the European champions are not interested in fighting for the world cup, then
obviously they can't become world champs. It's a bit of a paradox if the World
champ can't beat the European champ though :)

>I can assure you that I have no connections to the developers of FRC
>programs nor Arena nor am I interested at all in FRC but it makes me
>sick to see intelligent people losing their logic.
>Will you help F8 also to play Checkers (perhaps he can make some
>regular moves from time to time?) and feed him some FENs, after inventing
>a workaround for harmonizing FEN and whatever is used in Checkers?
>A better example are perhaps GoBang and Go, or some others, when
>a game is a subset of another game, or has _similar_ rules, which
>would it make possible to play a few regular moves, but not the
>_entire_ game with all possibilities.
>Its even not worth to discuss about this, you have a game and this
>game has fixed rules, other rules other games....its incredible...

Chess engines should support more variants than chess I think.
Afterall it often really minor changes that are needed.
I just have a macro so I can switch into "pure" chess mode.
It's just a minor speed optimization.


>If a majority now, starts to think another way than me about this
>logic only problem, I will leave and search for other more logical
>Humanoids in outer space ;-)
>Well, perhaps I missed, that the earth is now considered as flat again.

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