Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: FRC_TheBaron_101 Vs Fritz8 (Castling vs Not Castling rules)

Author: Günther Simon

Date: 03:54:40 06/24/03

Go up one level in this thread

On June 23, 2003 at 19:13:22, Jorge Pichard wrote:

>On June 23, 2003 at 19:08:28, Jorge Pichard wrote:
>>For this game I used an Athlon 1.2 GHz for FRC_TheBaron and a Celeron 433 MHz
>>for Fritz After FRC_TheBaron castled in move 14.0-0-0 Queen side Fritz8
>>did NOT wanted to continued, therefore I set Up the position from that move on
>>to allow Fritz8 to continue the game, and the game was won on the endgame stage.

IMO this is ridiculous, Fritz 8 just had _lost_ ,as he refused to play on,
because he even did not know the rules of the game he was playing...
(This are the rules for all games BTW, if you cannot react to a regular
move, you lose, period.)
I cannot understand why some people completely lost their sense of logic
regarding FRC, Shuffle Chess and Normal Chess.
Why they cannot recognize, that they are simply playing different games,
with different rules??
I can assure you that I have no connections to the developers of FRC
programs nor Arena nor am I interested at all in FRC but it makes me
sick to see intelligent people losing their logic.
Will you help F8 also to play Checkers (perhaps he can make some
regular moves from time to time?) and feed him some FENs, after inventing
a workaround for harmonizing FEN and whatever is used in Checkers?
A better example are perhaps GoBang and Go, or some others, when
a game is a subset of another game, or has _similar_ rules, which
would it make possible to play a few regular moves, but not the
_entire_ game with all possibilities.
Its even not worth to discuss about this, you have a game and this
game has fixed rules, other rules other games....its incredible...


If a majority now, starts to think another way than me about this
logic only problem, I will leave and search for other more logical
Humanoids in outer space ;-)
Well, perhaps I missed, that the earth is now considered as flat again.

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